– The grass variety VA06 is a hybrid of two varieties of elephant grass and wolftail grass of the Americas for high productivity and quality, now this grass variety is considered as the “king of grasses”. Grass VA06 has 2 types: VA06 grass with hair and VA06 without hair.
– The stem is from 3.5 to 4.0 m high, the stem is bushy, the roots are clustered, the leaves are lanceolate from 60 to 80 cm long, the width of the leaves is about 2.5 cm.
– VA06 Easy to adapt, good drought tolerance, high growth rate.
– Crude protein content from 7 to 11%.
– Productivity: 350-600 tons/ha/year.
Original retention time: 3-5 years.
– Planting with cuttings.
– Grass can be used as fresh food, silage, dried feed or as hay powder to feed beef cattle, dairy cows, goats, fish…
– Or used in renewable energy.
– Select Seedlings: Currently VA06 grass is propagated by cuttings, no seeds.
+ Choose mature plants from 4-5 months old, diameter from 0.8cm, healthy, no pests, peel off the sheath leaves at the axillary sprout and then use a sharp knife to cut at a 45* angle into segments with 2-3 long eyes 20cm-30cm.
+ Well preserved, avoid crushing and crushing. It should be kept in a shady place to avoid drying the sprouts on the cuttings.
– Grass Va06 is grown by cuttings.
– Amount of cuttings: 5-6 tons/ha.
– Mombasa Ghine grass (also known as big-leaf lemongrass) is a grass of the herbaceous family (together with Elephant grass and VA06 grass).
– Planting from seeds. Or the stem is extracted from the mother plant.
– Can be intercropped. Easy to grow, easy to care for, highly adaptable, resistant to low temperatures, good pest and disease resistance.
– Ginkgo has soft, hairless leaves, sweet taste, crude protein content from 10-15%.
– Productivity: 320-500 tons/ha/year.
– Original retention time: 4-6 years.
– Grass can be used as fresh food, silage, dried feed or as hay powder to feed beef cattle, dairy cows, goats, fish…
– Or used in renewable energy.
– Selection of Varieties: Ghine grass is grown with seeds or stems extracted from the mother plant.
– Flood-tolerant grass Ubon Paspalum is native to Northern Brazil, Argentina.
– Ubon Paspalum grass can be grown with seeds or pineapples extracted from the mother plant.
– Ubon grass tolerates flooding, is easy to grow, easy to care for, gives high yield of green matter, tolerates acidic and alum soils.
– Stems and leaves of Ubon Paspalum grass are soft, hairless, delicious, especially containing high nutritional content: crude protein 9 – 10%, crude fiber 30 – 32%, mineral content accounted for 6 – 7%, protein raw 8 – 12%,
– Average yield is from 150 to 180 tons/ha/year.
– Original retention period: 4-5 years.
– Grass can be used as fresh food, silage, dried feed or as hay powder to feed beef cattle, dairy cows, goats, fish…
– Or used in renewable energy.
– Selection of Varieties: It is a good flood-tolerant grass that can be grown from seeds or clusters.
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